Friday, May 6, 2011

Mickey Spagnola: My sports-writing inspiration

One thing that got me inspired to begin sports writing was that I read a lot and I like sports a lot, I check sports websites more then I check facebook which is saying a lot. I like almost any sport just tell me the rules and I'm interested, but the one person I enjoy reading the most is probably Mickey Spagnola. Mickey is a writer for, a site that I check routinely every day for new news. I like everything Cowboys as I am a Cowboys fan but I enjoy reading his posts the most because of his way of keeping the reader entertained and informed. I like that he can bring humor into sports and seems like a very easy going guy who enjoys doing. His style has a lot of short sentences to emphasize his most pointed points in between long paragraphs of opinions and is one that I feel I borrow from at times.That's why he's my sports writing inspiration.


"The Cowboys got better this weekend. Already.

That puts them miles ahead of where they were last year at this time.
That puts them light years ahead of where they were this time two years ago."

"Not only did it seem they were adding little in the draft - what with Bryant's injury and that to second-round pick Sean Lee - they stood pat in veteran free agency, too. In fact, regressed. Did nothing. Got rid of Flozell Adams. Got rid of Ken Hamlin (though a good thing). Got rid of Patrick Crayton. Got rid of Deon Anderson. Got rid of Bobby Carpenter. But what? Didn't sign a soul, the only exception being to bring on Alex Barron in the Carpenter trade, which quickly ended up the equivalent of doing nothing, too. The improvement was supposed to come from within, that the players they had, especially young guys such as Mike Jenkins and Anthony Spencer and Alan Ball and Kevin Olgetree, were going to improve, thus the Cowboys were going to get better.
Bad assumption.
Because as I hypothesized last year after closely monitoring the NFL the previous 26 years, if you are staying the same in this league you are getting worse. Reason why: Other teams are doing what they need to do to get better, to catch you. And if you aren't widening your lead in a race, chances are someone else is gaining on you in this socialized system where the meek shall inherit. "

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